YouTube Metadata Archive

Video: 3hgxTZSQz00

October 2013 to March 2015

TitleJealousy of 東方 Touhou Heavy Metal/Rock 55
DescriptionTitle: Green-Eyed Monster and
Green-Eyed Black Envy ( 0:40 )

Artist: MAX BEAT
Circle: Stygian Riverside
Album: Envy You All Men!/汝、人を妬みたまえ
Original: 緑眼のジェラシー (Green-eyed Jealousy)

My first official upload of Green- eyed Jealousy is very heavy. I originally planned another upload today until I spotted this song. To me this song is possibly Parsee true theme. Filled with hate and Jealousy that picture shows her true colors.

Green-eyed Monster- Envy. Green is a colour associated with sickness, possibly because people's skin takes on a slightly yellow/green tinge when they are seriously ill. Shakespeare used it to denote jealousy, in The Merchant of Venice, 1596 and Othello, 1604
Website of this meaning:

Jealousy- is a secondary emotion and typically refers to the negative thoughts and feelings of insecurity, fear, and anxiety over an anticipated loss of something that the person values, particularly in reference to a human connection. Jealousy often consists of a combination of presenting emotions such as anger, sadness, resentment and disgust. It is not to be confused with envy.
By Wikipedia.

Also this is the second time I used the film effect on a video then I noticed that the preview of Vegas is lagging if a effect shows on a preview. So the eye showed up before the song heavy part. I still have lots to learn using Vegas.

Anyway that is all for today of 11/11/11 enjoy you day now.

Thank for listening.

Links to the pictures

