YouTube Metadata Archive

Video: 5JKnSfz6W_M

October 2013 to December 2013

Title東方 Retrospective Kyoto [Acoustic] arrange 1
DescriptionThe album from where this song comes from is quite short, containing only 3 songs.
Because I do not play or listen to the OST of STB often, Retrospective Kyoto is the song I recognize the most from that game, mainly because is the most commonly arranged.
What else can I say; I just love Touhou acoustic arrangements.

Title: いつか見た景色
Circle: 天狗ノ舞
Artist: 玖
Album: ウツスサイノウ -トウホウバンドアレンジオンゲンシュウ テングノタヨリvol.02-
Original: レトロスペクティブ京都
Retrospective Kyoto