YouTube Metadata Archive

Video: 5_-aaAxqx6I

October 2013 to March 2015

Title東方 Touhou Melodeath/Vocal arrange #289: Evil But Innocent
DescriptionArtist: パインツリー
Title: Evil But Innocent
Album: 暴君
Vocals: アルベルト・オブ・ジョイトイ
Lyrics: アルベルト・オブ・ジョイトイ
Lead Guitar: 平野幸村&中街佑磨(炭酸)
Event: Comiket 84
Original: 古きユアンシェン/Old Yuanshen
Seiga Kaku's theme from Ten Desires

My fav track from this album~ Albert's vocals are so awesome~
Couldn't be bothered subbing this one

(and I'm shit at metal genres, so if it isn't Melodeath, please tell me)


The overwhelmingly force I always belong,
However good or bad a result is, just throw it away,
When I get bored.

This miracle that I made and I left in the world,
It's like a innocently ego, so there is nothing else.

By force I gave, what do you show to me?
Before I'm bored, you make me enough.
By your life I gave, what do you sing for me?
Before I'm bored, you make me pleased.

It's your life's shattered, I revive you over and over again.
Make me be pleased so grandly!!

By force I gave, what do you show to me?
Before I'm bored, you make me enough.
By your life I gave, what do you sing for me?
Before I'm bored, you make me pleased.

What is right? What is wrong?
I decide it by this force.
What is right? What is wrong?
It is all the same to me!!
Incantation that fill with empty me, empty body,
It just fill with my eternity.