YouTube Metadata Archive

Video: 79YFv1YuCbs

March 2015

Title【Touhou MMD】SDM decides to abstain from participating in HM (English subs)
DescriptionReprinted/translated with the creator's permission.
Creator: doku
Original title:【東方MMD】東方心綺楼、紅魔館は自粛するみたいです
Original link:
Upload date: January 23, 2013. 16:49.
Creator comment: "心綺楼が待ち遠しすぎるので軽くネタ動画を投下。 ちょっと興味がわいて半月前に初めてMMDを触ってみたけれど、背景とモデルを読み込んだだけでfpsが一桁になるので静止画を使った紙芝居です。PCのスペック不足に泣いた。 ■BGMの詳細は投稿者コメントにて記載 ■思いのほか伸びたので今がチャンスとばかりに好きな動画を宣伝→nm19867548  うめぼし大名さんのMMD杯本選マジ期待してる。動かなくたって、PCスペック足りなくたって、楽しいMMD動画は作れるってことを証明してやってください。そしてOZEU2話待ってる。

■次作→sm20101226 マイリスト→mylist/37622352"

== Notes ==
01:37 - 01:38
The World
1 All regions and nations on Earth.
2 The entirety of human society that one recognizes. The environment in which humans live in. Society.
3 A class of people of a certain trade, specialty, or similarity such as age group.
4 A particular area of activity.
5 A particular area in which one can act freely.
6 The twenty-first card of the Major Arcana in Tarot.
7 The name of DIO's stand.

01:39 - 01:41
Seminar on Personal Development ~For those who can't find meaning in their life~
Our life is worth the effort we put in it.
("Notre vie vaut ce qu'elle nous a coûté d'efforts.")
French author, François Mauriac

02:00 - 02:02
Byakuren Hijiri
Title: All is Heartlessness [Pun on the Buddhist phrase "All is Change"]
Elder sister of the legendary monk Myouren. Fearing death, she used magic to regain youth. She was sealed in Makai for supporting youkai.

02:02 - 02:05
Toyosatomimi no Miko
Title: Kasou Seihai (Holy Bias)
The head of Shinreibyou (Mausoleum) the one behind the Big Four of Darkness (Dark Force), her kinsmen.

00:00 - 00:05 "Argue for and Against" from Scarlet Weather Rhapsody OST
00:05 - 00:08 "Shinkirou Orchestra" from Hopeless Masquerade OST
00:08 - 00:35 "Argue for and Against" from Scarlet Weather Rhapsody OST
00:38 - 01:18 "Locked Girl ~ The Girl's Secret Room" from Scarlet Weather Rhapsody OST
01:19 - 02:04 "This Dull World's Unchanging Pessimism" from Hopeless Masquerade OST
02:05 - 02:14 "Shinkirou Orchestra" from Hopeless Masquerade OST
02:15 - 02:50 "Argue for and Against" from Scarlet Weather Rhapsody OST
02:51 - 03:10 "Locked Girl ~ The Girl's Secret Room" from Scarlet Weather Rhapsody OST
03:10 - 03:19 "Darkening Dusk" from Scarlet Weather Rhapsody OST
03:19 - 03:29 "Argue for and Against" from Scarlet Weather Rhapsody OST
03:29 - 04:15 "Locked Girl ~ The Girl's Secret Room" from Scarlet Weather Rhapsody OST
04:24 - 05:04 "Eastern Sky of Scarlet Perception" from Scarlet Weather Rhapsody OST

Translation/Subs: TouhouSubs