YouTube Metadata Archive

Video: At9JA6ki8UE

October 2013 to April 2014

TitleBeyond Epic 東方 Arrange #150 WAVE (Orchestral/Choir)
DescriptionTitle: 亡我郷、反魂蝶、その華開花すること能わず
Original: Bloom nobly, cherry blossoms of Sumizome ~ Border of Life
Artist: Morrigan
Choir: NOC
Circle: WAVE

Rejoice, Rejoice. Morrigan is returning to Touhou. Hearing the news I obviously had to seize this opportunity.

If you were to ask many people "What is the single most epic sounding arrange", chances are that most of them would say one of two tracks off this album.

Anyways, this will be my last upload for awhile. Leaving tomorrow for a better place, video related.

Until then, folks.

次の停留所, コミケット78!