YouTube Metadata Archive

Video: BClkC14nrDE

March 2015

Title【Touhou MMD】Let's Play Atai Wanna Be The Guy with Cirno (English subs)
DescriptionReprinted/translated with the creator's permission.
Creator: HakubutsukanP (博物館P)
Original title:【第10回MMD杯本選】チルノが鬼畜ゲームを実況プレイするようです
Original link:
Upload date: February 15, 2013. 21:00.
Creator comment: "疑針暗木賞&オワタP賞いただいちゃいました!圧倒的感謝ッ!



本選公式1=mylist/34174291 本選公式2=mylist/34174306

クレジットに「PMD Editor(極北Pさん)」、「パワーアップアイテム(メカクラゲさん)」が抜けていました。失礼いたしました。



== Music ==
00:03 - 00:23 "甲論乙駁" from Scarlet Weather Rhapsody OST
00:26 - 00:39 "Tomboyish Girl in Love" from Touhou Hisoutensoku OST
00:40 - 00:47 "Title Screen" from Rockman 2
05:28 - 05:38 "悪魔のブロリー" from ドラゴンボールZ 燃えつきろ!!熱戦・烈戦・超激戦 (Dragon Ball Z: Broly – The Legendary Super Saiyan)
Music used in Atai Wann Be The Guy:
Main: "Home Sweet Grave" from GUILTY GEAR 鶍[ISUKA] OST (used in I Wanna Be The Guy)
Game Over: "Might is Right but Tight" from GUILTY GEAR 鶍[ISUKA] OST (used in I Wanna Be The Guy)
Boss: "Dichromatic Lotus Butterfly ~ Ancients" from Touhou Hisoutensoku OST

== Notes ==
02:08 - 02:10 The snack トッポ (Toppo)
04:48 - 04:54 The baffling English phrase (and in a nonstandard transcription) from an extract of a novel from the Taisho era that appeared in the Japanese section of the 2013 National Center Test for University Admissions in Japan. The average score for the section was the lowest ever. The cause of trauma for many students.

== Error message ==
Based on the actual error message in English.
"Multimedia Fusion 2 has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.
If you were in the middle of something, the information you were working on might be lost.

Please tell HiguchiM about this problem.

We have created an error report that you can send to us. We will treat this report as confidential and anonymous.

To see what data this error report contains, click here.
Debug / Send Error Report / Don't Send"

Translation/Sub: TouhouSubs