YouTube Metadata Archive

Video: Btd2rrQO5HQ

October 2013 to December 2013

Title東方 The Capital City of Flowers in the Sky [Acoustic] arrange 1
DescriptionOnce again winter is ending and spring is here, I know there are still a couple weeks left before spring begins, but, at least where I live, it already feels like spring.

This arrangement is a little bit sad but the original was not that cheerful either. This is one of those songs that let you relax and forget about everything else in the world, so please enjoy it.

PD: 50 videos GET! Thanks for watching and bearing with my incredibly slow upload rate, I truly appreciate it! m(-_-)m
PDD: It seems the previous version had an audio issue, so I am uploading it again, sorry for the inconvenience. (Thanks to 85centimeters for pointing it out).

Circle: NightRiders
Artist: harmomicos
Album: 東方倶楽義集・序 クラシックギターのための東方作品集
Event: Comiket 77
Original: 天空の花の都
The Capital City of Flowers in the Sky