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Video: BxN8m5Y8Qes

March 2015

TitleAhoy! [東方] Pizuya's Cell - CAPTAiN ZOMViE [Rock/Metal] 269 [MY+]
DescriptionTitle: CAPTAiN ZOMViE
Artist: Pizuya, Godwood, 通天
Vocals : Merami
Circle: Pizuya's Cell
Album: Violet Lotus Requiem
Original: Th12 Stage 4 Theme - Interdimensional Voyage of a Ghostly Passenger Ship
Rob Zombie - Demon Speeding
Picture :



[*shake shake*]
Muramura: . . . . . ?
[*shake shake*]
Muramura: . . . . . . . . I- I’ve... fallen asleep....?
( . . . . . )
Muramura: . . . huh? Is someone here...?
Muramura: . . . . ng, I’m . . . where is this...? . . . . Why did I come to a place like this? . . . . . . . . hmm..... Is that so... I was shot by Wo-class-chan, fell down the ocean, and by the time my body became immobilized . . .
Muramura: . . . ahaha . . . I’ve ended up entering Nirvana at last, huh. ...Since I don’t have a reason to cling to the world anymore. Because when one enters Nirvana, their consciousness won’t disappear, right. Or could it be that, I still have some lingering attachment . . . ? . . . Though it doesn't matter anymore to me. ...Even if I remained to live, I already know that it’s meaningless . . .
Muramura: . . . I've; died when I was really young, couldn’t enjoy my life from killing lots and lots of people in spite. ...However, I met Hijiri. Even though I’ve killed human, despite what I had; Hijiri out-looked all of that, faced me, and accepted me. Not only that, Hijiri denoted that I have a convincing role as a captain of the ship. It’s a full-auto ship, but I’ve been yearning for such a thing in life; so I thought being a captain wasn’t too bad. It’s also because I think that it’s much more significant than continuing to kill people because of grudge.
However, as a captain of a full-auto ship, even though it’s a puny role, it made me forget the me who was a murderer; I was saved, from worldly desires. ...That’s why . . . I want those children, to think like that too. “I wanted to...” ...I said, from having a surge of greed. It’s also because I was saved; I want to save those children in the same way.
. . . That was what I wanted.
But that was my self-righteousness. I just wanted them to affirm their own way of life by themselves, through those children. ...I’m really, an awful guy. Nothing has changed from when I was a murderer.
...About nothing but myself. Thinking about nothing but myself; I caused complete agitation and applied trouble to others. ...I, who no longer exist, did this for the sake of everyone. ...As I’m disappearing, having to enter Nirvana...
Muramura: What-?
[*pull pull*]
Muramura: Wait, don’t pull on me...
Muramura: Wait, wait . . . Where are you going to take me? . . . I’m . . . already . . .




Another heartfire ~~~♥