YouTube Metadata Archive

Video: D4wenPzV0Hk

November 2013 to March 2015

Title[Touhou ~ Shoot the Bullet] Keine Kamishirasawa - Level 3 Bookish Historian
DescriptionSorry for the delayed sound at the beginning and the absolutely horrible quality, I improve it next time. :(

Scene 3-2:
Simple Streaming,. If you know how to stream, it´s not that kind of a problem.

Scene 3-4:
Same as previous Scene, though you have to move a little more.

Scene 3-6:
Harder than the others. Try to find safespots and dodge the small arrows. When you shoot a photo after Shot 4, stay at your place, it´s safer.

Scene 3-8:
More fun than the other. :) Try to read the laser´s movement and dodge, as always, the small arrows.

Hm, I think Keine likes laser.