YouTube Metadata Archive

Video: E0UGKld5V24

October 2013 to March 2015

Title高瀬 - Sun Worship of Gnosis
DescriptionI've most likely mentioned it several times before. Utsuho Reiuji is of course one of my most favourite characters ever. Her themesong is as fitting as can be for a final boss! When put in that perspective, Utsuho is perhaps one of the only Touhou-girls that fit the traditional bad-guy end-game boss. I mean the reason she's fighting you is because she wants to take over the world. Now where have I heard that before? Then again, the finalboss of a shooting game usually doesn't have much character development. All touhou-bosses deviate from this stereotype. It does make me wonder what Touhou 13 is going to be like. That is, if it ever comes out.

Title: 霊知の太陽信仰 (Sun Worship of Gnosis)
Better known as: Utsuho Reiuji's theme - 霊知の太陽信仰 ~ Nuclear Fusion (Sun Worship of Gnosis ~ Nuclear Fusion)
From: 東方地霊殿 ~ Subterranean Animism

Artist: 高瀬
Circle: まぐなむおーぱす (Magnum opus)
Album: 2010.03.14 [MGCD-0005] 東方核煉獄 ~ Purgatory Nuclear fusion ~ [例大祭7] (Touhou Kakurengoku ~ Purgatory Nuclear Fusion ~)
Year: 2010

MP3 available at:!M88wlbia!V2byZG2mtTc1ZCwjj7HnQny172xc4IVgQOBHU7xL9gU

MP3 and all the images:!45dz1JZD!MtCh4RqCUZAeD43VRJyHOSNBN7pdI6M1ST9AYxSi1bw

More info on the CD:
More info on the CD:
More info on the CD: (artist's website)

Images are from danbooru. I don't own any of the art nor the music used in this video!!