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Video: Edk-6y_3GKA

October 2013 to March 2015

TitleCrossGear - continue...?
ChannelAdauchi S.
DescriptionThis is a remix/arrange of Flandre Scarlet's themesong: U.N.オーエンは彼女なのか? (U.N. Owen was her?)
You can find Flandre and her theme in the game Touhou 6: Embodiment of Scarlet Devil.

これはフランドール・スカーレットのBGM「U.N.オーエンは彼女なのか?」のレミックスです。フランドールとU.N.オーエンはゲームで「東方紅魔郷 ~ the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil」にいます。

Track Title: continue...?
Original Title: U.N.オーエンは彼女なのか?
Group: CrossGear
Album: Philter's Magic
Release date: 2009-10-11
Location: Japan.

The result of the inspiration:

Shortly after the events of Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, rumours had started floating around Gensokyo that Remilia had a sister who was imprisoned in the basement of the Scarlet Devil Mansion. "Why was she imprisoned?" people wondered. "Could it really be that there is a being so strong that even Remilia has to actively supress it?"
It didn't take long for these rumours spread beyond even the borders of Gensokyo and into the human world.
Humans; known for their foolishness are always seeking power in any form and those few who know of Gensokyo are no exception. Human scientists; driven by their curiousity and insaturable lust for recognition are constantly looking for a way to conduct research on Gensokyo's residents.
There hadn't yet been an infiltration attempt of hostile intent, but the weakening of Koumakan changed this. A human strike team that was conveniently placed in the human village, launched an attack towards the mansion with the purpose of capturing the vampire of destruction. Before anyone could react, they had succeeded in doing this. Greatly weakened by her battle against the two previous introduers, the vampire had little say in the obduction. She was taken to the human world with ease. No one had expected an attack like this due to the fact that there was no reason to attack the Koumakan.
Not knowing anything about the actual power of a being from Gensokyo, the scientists began looking for a way to extract the powers of the vampire. Focus was set on her mysterious wings as they were the only visual feature that made her differ so strongly from her sister.
After many bizzaré experiments on the poor girl, they finally managed to separate the powers from her. The humans celebrated their success, foolish as they were. They believed that what they held in their hands now was the ultimate weapon of mankind. They were convinced that this new fruit; ripe for picking, would be theirs to command, but where both Remilia and Flandre herself had failed, mere humans could never hope to succeed.
As they released it and the alarms echoed across the facility, they realised their mistake. One that would be the last they ever made. The last mistake of mankind.