YouTube Metadata Archive

Video: FRT5HRr2Jb8

October 2013 to March 2015

Title【東方】 redtails - Bad Apple Orchestra!!
DescriptionThe arrangement I did for my 1M GET video was actually quite fun to do. I do have some tiny roots in the world of music. Henceforth, I had a second go at a huge musical project; namely Bad Apple!!! ZUN admits it sounds a lot like the kind of music he used to compose. Now, I have no idea what kind of music the guy used to come up with, but for what I've seen it means a huge shitstorm of advanced scores and the usage of just about every instrument known to mankind. I admit I'm only an amateur at arranging music, but it is certainly fun to do!

Title: Bad Apple Orchestra!!
Better known as: Stage 3 theme - BAD Apple!! ("Bad Apple!!" in the music room)
From: 東方幻想郷 ~ Lotus Land Story

Artist: redtails
Album: none
Year: 2010
Based on:『Bad Apple!!』オーケストラver.
By: tako8

FLAC available at:!x9VzVTSB!Vs8-M0uulSeqR1pICcocLBAIThBMhDfajIzPLAlGnyc

Do take a look at this orchestral Touhou CD:!VwcnjCYJ!dIoww3xxf6FHRVtTebJq0VYVZNIfIVwaZPqrtHNWLNc

Bad Apple FL-studio background made by ieka95 from deviantart. Deviation posted here:

Shadow art with subtitles:
Can be downloaded at:

More information on the artist and the SMF file:

The gameplay at the upper-left was done by a youtube user called Sakura665. The original video is posted at: . The channel can be found at:

Shadow art animation at the lower left was originally made by Anira from nicodouga, more information on this can be found at: and at of course (nicodouga wiki article about it).

I do not own the Shadow Art animation. Gameplay was not done by me. Music was made by me but you can do with it what you like.