YouTube Metadata Archive

Video: GQikAHhTTKw

April 2014 to March 2015

TitleCtC Stage 5 Theme: Legend of Aokigahara
DescriptionThis is the Stage 5 theme from the fanmade Touhou game published by danmaq, Touhou Mutsuigeki ~ Concealed the Conclusion

Original: 青木ヶ原の伝説 / Legend of Aokigahara
(Track 5, from 卯酉東海道 ~ Retrospective 53 minutes)

"... never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee."

So once more, you're led to the unforgiving staircase of the Netherworld. You've been here so many times, it's hardly scary or imposing. Well, it shouldn't be, anyway. As you ascend each step, your chest fills up a little more with that heaving sense of dread; you sway from side to side uneasily and can't even seem to walk in a straight line anymore. Even lifting your head to see the way becomes too much. But as you briefly glance up, you notice a red shimmer in the distance further up the staircase. Your pace slows, and as you look harder at the faint spot of light, it begins to intensify, and slowly but surely, a ghostly silhouette begins to take shape around it. "Oh, so she is here," you wonder, "I was kinda hoping she wouldn't show up, just this once...". You grimace, as the shadow unsheathes the outline of that all too familiar blade, and you shakily pull your trusty hakkero from your pocket.

You wait for the first strike.