YouTube Metadata Archive

Video: J4zP48-m3ik

October 2013 to February 2014

Title[東方 /Violin/ Arrange] TAMUSIC - The Purest Sky and Sea
Description[Title] - 最も澄みわたる空と海
[Author/Circle] - TAM, Gensou Gakudan / TAMUSIC
[Album] - 東方バイオリン4
[Event] - Reitasai 4
[Original] - The Purest Sky and Sea
[Original CD] - Retrospective 53 Minutes

If I were to pick out a song of Retrospective 53 Minutes, I would probably grab tight to this one.

The Purest Sky and Sea makes of full righteous inspiration to the title of the album itself. Conveying a melancholic, yet powerful and entrancing melody, the original can easily drive you into the vast landscapes of Gensokyo and delve upon deep reflection.

I've always held to the thought this was one of the most moving themes ZUN's ever churned out, and TAM proves me further. Using all of his genius talent with the violins, TAM teams up with Bou Aniki (who has also participated alongside TAM in various other Violin albums), I think we all can agree he made one of the most touching renditions of this theme, or at least, amidst those I stood across so far.

The Purest Sky and Sea is the ending theme to the Retrospective album, the fading moments of a rhapsody, a tale of retrospection, but more than that, a tale of Gensokyo.
The velvet falls above the extending plains, the impetuous mountains and the graceful sea and dyes the dream a blue, serene color of peacefulness.