YouTube Metadata Archive

Video: K3Kf3Xc6I2Y

October 2013 to March 2015

Title[東方 Piano/Vocal] Touhou ~ Silent Neighbor Acoustic
DescriptionTitle : Silent Neighbor Acoustic
Artist : 鷹
Vocals : 池田奨
Album : From the Bottom of The Heart
Original : (By ZUN) 東方萃夢想
(Oriental Memory of Forgathering Dream)

Thank you Kafka you're so awesome :D

Requested by: FlandrexEatsxPpl

I got requested specifically for the acoustic version, but the lyrics are the same.

I think it's cool that the heavy metalists are experimenting more with female vocalists. I mean metal + male vocalists is great too most of the time, but you wouldn't get something like this.

君と二人で描いた あの夢の続き
私一人で見るには 儚すぎるストーリー

I watch alone the progression of our dream
We once made together, a story far too short

過ぎしあの日に交わした 最後の約束
今も覚えていますか 夕日色の指きり

Do you still remember that final promise we made?
Our promise we made the color of the setting sun, that day long ago?

いつかは君も 私のことを 忘れてしまうことでしょう
それを独り 見守ること それが私の努め

I'm sure one day you'll forget about me
But it is my duty to watch over you, alone

人の命は儚い 陽炎の如く
私はその傍らで ともに歩みゆくもの

A human's life is transient, like a mirage
But I will still walk beside you

時は流れて 輪廻は巡り 続く未来に夢を見る
たとえいつか その絆が 薄れてゆくとしても

Time flows on and fate turns, as we dream of the future
Even if one day our bonds weaken...

時は流れて 輪廻は巡り 続く未来に夢を見る
たとえいつか その絆が 薄れてゆくとしても

Time flows on and fate turns, as we dream of the future
Even if one day our bonds weaken...

いつかは君も 私のことを 思い出す日が来るでしょう
いつか知れぬ その時まで 続く二人の誓い

I'm sure one day you'll remember me
But until that time comes our vows will remain