YouTube Metadata Archive

Video: KwQHh8n_ZHI

October 2013 to April 2014

Title東方 Touhou Psytrance 190
DescriptionTitle: 兎ノ姿煮狂喜造
Original: Lunatic Eyes ~ Invisible Full Moon
Artist: 堕悪祭怪&昼
Circle: Mohican Sandbag
Album: M.M.T
Event: Comiket 76 (August 15, 2009)

Back to back Mohican Sandbag as we round out the set. I hope you aren't tired of them. I know I sure am not. If you are, too bad.

The album M.M.T marks the last installment of their full-on psytrance era, and is most likely my favorite album to listen to when I just want to relax for awhile. The 30 minute special mix featuring each arrange in a continuous track is a great way to chill while you are playing games or doing whatever.

So do you guys find the Moderator thing not interesting? Or was my inquiry just not something anybody was interested in responding to. I wonder. Anyways, I decided to take the safer of the two and save the other for another day.

Regardless of what the debate may or may not have developed into, HAPPY 420. Let the life lessons commence!