YouTube Metadata Archive

Video: MUefADMQaNk

October 2013 to March 2015

Title[Byrne] Dark Souls Soul Level 1 Run - Part 4

Unfortunately like nine hours was cut out of the REAL fourth installment of Swagbear's adventure in Soul Level 1 Land because they didn't upload to Livestream properly. I'm really REALLY hoping that doesn't happen when I end up fighting Gwyn.

To recap, at the beginning I made it through the end of New Londo Ruins and tried to defeat The Four Kings a couple of times. Did pretty well but they ultimately defeated me each time. A good friend of mine named PMONKEY (AW YEAH PMONKEY) was also doing a Soul Level 1 run and was at the beginning of Sen's Funhouse, so I helped him through that and also Anor Londo/Ornstien and Smough fight. Then we tried to summon each other for The Four Kings and it just wasn't working. I went ahead and beat Four Kings on my first try. Then I joined the Darkwraith Covenant and invaded some really unlucky newbies.

(For some hilarious invasions check out the SL1 Invasion Video which will be put up at some point.)

The fourth installment of Byrne's Soul Level 1 adventure. The adventure begins with cheesing the shit out of some low level people, and occasionally getting some high level people, who Maxbear proceeds to drop kick through the aether. (1:40:08 is my favorite)

After that we feed spiderbitch some huge manatees so she'll open up the shortcut through Lost Izalith for us, then we fight the Bed of Chaos Dunks.

Then Seathe the Scaleless. All in a day's work for Maxbear.