YouTube Metadata Archive

Video: O_OtqPzimaU

October 2013 to April 2014

Title東方 Arrange #146 CROW'S CLAW (Metal)
DescriptionTitle: Mimetic Flower
Original: Gensokyo, Past and Present ~ Flower Land
Artist: Taka (鷹)
Album: Brutal Games For Reminding Of Death

Continuing on with giving the channel new content, we come across a staple in the metal universe with Crow's Flower Land and Miss Kazami.

Naturally, this was most likely inspired by the recent announcement of a new album. Are you guys hyped for Over The Rainbow? I'm interested in your opinion.

Also, if given the opportunity to be present at Comiket, how likely would you be to ask your favorite artists for autographs? Leave a comment.