YouTube Metadata Archive

Video: Q96cpxp6IaQ

October 2013 to March 2015

Title東方06 [Orchestra/Waltzアレンジ] // 紅い絨毯はメイドの挨拶┆Kitsune's Workshop┆
DescriptionHappy new year, everyone!
I wish you all the luck in this year too and I hope you will have a happy time ;3
Let's start with a beautiful waltz-like arrange from Kitsune's Workshop, who did a very great job with the recent album.

■ Title..........: 紅い絨毯はメイドの挨拶
■ Artist........: 水橋ゆっきー
■ Circle........: 狐の工作室 (Kitsune's Workshop)
■ Album.......: 東方幻想界 -円舞曲の音-
■ Genre........: Orchestra / Waltz

■ Arrange Number ■...: #195
■ Release ■...............: Comiket 81
■ Date ■....................: 2011 / 12 / 30

► Original Game..: Touhou 06 ~ The Embodiment of Scarlet Devil (東方 EoSD)
► Original Track...: The Maid and the Pocket watch of Blood / メイドと血の懐中時計│ Stage 5 Theme

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