YouTube Metadata Archive

Video: RpKiDNaCSIw

October 2013 to April 2014

Title東方 Touhou Techno/Funk 164
DescriptionTitle: Wachund (dub mix)
Original: Lunar Clock ~ Luna Dial
Artist: haLRu
Circle: M2indManufactory
Event: Comiket 78 (August 14, 2010)

This is the first "random" upload to the Lyrica playlist featured for me. What I mean by that is that I didn't have any plans to upload it until it popped up on random in my winamp and decided on the spot. I'll do this from time to time to keep things a bit unpredictable. There's no reason to simply upload strictly from the most recent event.

One of my favorite luna dial's belongs to this nice dub/DnB/liquid funk remix track by haLRu.

He's been a pretty consistent delivery for wherever he's popped up. A more urban type of arranger, listening to his creations can be a nice change of pace. You may have heard various works from him on past albums such as the self titled Wachund, Capricioasă Gând, Amaryllis, Border of Yukari (AramiTama), and Touhou Underground.

The vocal sampling may not be everyone's cup of tea (and by all rights, not mine either), but in moderation, I think it works just fine. Urban tracks in general don't seem to please a giant portion of Touhou fans, so the few arrangers that continue to produce it deserve my thanks.

So please if you will, enjoy the music and be mesmerized by the sexiness that is Sakuya's legs.

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