YouTube Metadata Archive

Video: S-rNYRPaXXk

October 2013 to February 2014

Title[東方 /Metal/ Arrange] PEATH2 - Buried Crisis!!
Description[Title] - Buried Crisis!!
[Author/Circle] - PEATH2 / ELECTRIC RED
[Album] - Subterranean Sun
[Event] - Comiket 77
[Original] - Strawberry Crisis!! ~ Yumemi Okazaki's Theme
[Game] - Touhou 03: Phantasmagoria of Dim.Dream

Strawberry time!!
Yumemi makes her resurgence after a long due... wait, did I even shoot one of these up already? Oh well, we need to make that one right then.

PEATH2 never did call much to me as an artist... Except for TIME OF LUNATIC perhaps, but never too much... The point is, his compositions used to be really shallow and overall just a beautiful but not actually that beautiful mess of shred sound. Which I mean, don't get me wrong, perhaps is ok? Maybe when you're angsty, maybe after ragequiting your perfect run on the last stage or something, but really musically wise, it's not something I'd shout around or recommend.

Subterranean Sun however is really well-made, he pulled off quite the stunt. My favorite tracks are this one and the Mantle one, it merges up Hellfire Mantle and Nuclear Fusion in a progressive composition that unleashes the tattered and riff shredding guy PEATH truly is.
It probably outshines this one even, but hey, I just felt like for some strawberry time now. And what better way to kick off with rightful momentum the glorious and all mighty Yumemi Okazaki than a crunchy, brutal arrange itself?

Also, little shout-out of sorts to TouhouFantasia here who made me aware of this album to start with. You keep on the uploading, tiger.