YouTube Metadata Archive

Video: TxVq3tNKeg4

April 2014 to March 2015

Title【Touhou hand-drawn】EoSD Abridged (English subs)
DescriptionReprinted/translated with the creator's permission.
Creator: Gaganbo (ガガンボ)
Original title: 今さら人に聞けない東方紅魔郷あらすじ
Original link:
Upload date: December 18, 2008. 07:03.
Creator comment: "卒論からの逃避で作りました。
その他 ⇒mylist/11116638
きのこ ⇒mylist/12658755"

00:00 - 00:51 "A Dream that Is More Scarlet than Red" from Embodiment of Scarlet Devil OST
01:00 - 01:03 "A Dream that Is More Scarlet than Red" from Embodiment of Scarlet Devil OST
01:06 - 01:21 "A Soul as Red as a Ground Cherry" from Embodiment of Scarlet Devil OST
01:22 - 01:26 "Apparitions Stalk the Night" from Embodiment of Scarlet Devil OST
01:30 - 01:46 "Lunate Elf" from Embodiment of Scarlet Devil OST
01:47 - 01:51 "Tomboyish Girl in Love" from Embodiment of Scarlet Devil OST
01:55 - 02:11 "Shanghai Teahouse ~ Chinese Tea" from Embodiment of Scarlet Devil OST
02:12 - 02:16 "Shanghai Alice of Meiji 17" from Embodiment of Scarlet Devil OST
02:21 - 02:37 "Voile, the Magic Library" from Embodiment of Scarlet Devil OST
02:38 - 02:46 "Locked Girl ~ The Girl's Secret Room" from Embodiment of Scarlet Devil OST
02:51 - 03:07 "The Maid and the Pocket Watch of Blood" from Embodiment of Scarlet Devil OST
03:07 - 03:12 "Lunar Clock ~ Luna Dial" from Embodiment of Scarlet Devil OST
03:16 - 03:41 "The Young Descendant of Tepes" from Embodiment of Scarlet Devil OST
03:42 - 04:03 "Septette for a Dead Princess" from Embodiment of Scarlet Devil OST
04:07 - 04:32 "The Centennial Festival for Magical Girls" from Embodiment of Scarlet Devil OST

Translation/Sub: TouhouSubs