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Video: VOR6si_2NYs

October 2013 to March 2015

TitleThe Song of a Broken Youkai that Loves People
DescriptionSong : 芥川龍之介の河童 (akutagawa ryuunosuke's kappa) ~ Candid Friend / Human Love Song ~ Broken Youkai
By : 東方COOL&CREATE ビートまりお

暗い霧のそばで 聞こえる水の音
Gloomy fog surrounds me; the sound of water can be heard within it.
視えない姿には 気付かず追いかけて
I run after an invisible shadow, and in it I am unaware.
どこでおどりますか 機械の円舞曲(ワルツ)
Where will it dance?; The machine's waltz...
なにも知らないまま 迷い込むのだあれ
Who is the person lost, not knowing anything as it is?

囚われ 奪われ 蒼い瞳
Imprisoned, stolen, blue eyes
逃げ出すことなんて できない
How would I be able to run away? It's impossible.
壊して 戻して もとのかたち
Breakng my original form, then putting it together again.
Until I was just a shadow of myself.

偶然な 運命も 機械仕掛
Sudden fate, is just deus ex machina
逆らうことなんて できない
How will I be able to go against it? Its impossible.
両手を伸ばして 伝える
I'll reach out with both hands when I see it, it'll be known...
"I fell in love with a youkai."

A youkai and human's song...]

深い闇のなかに くぐもる水の音
Profound darkness is inside me, the water's sound is just a mumble.
重ねた指先は 零れた夢を見る
Fingertips overlap, and I saw a distorted dream.
なにを震えてるの 怯えているの?
What can I still be trembling for? Why am I still scared?
せめてありのままを さらしてくれますか?
At least, show me your true form?

揺らして 枯らして 翠の髪
Swaying and drying green hair.
離れることなんて させない
Not being able to separate from me.
請われて 毀れて なにもかもが
I ask so much, destroy everything...
And they've all gone somewhere.
鮮明に 鮮烈に 熱く燃えて
Burning clearly, burning vividly.
近づくことさえ 出来ない
If I could only near it, but I'm not ready.
両手を掴んで 伝える
Holding me with both hands, to let it be told
"I fell in love with a human."

やがて終わりが来る 二人のワルツ
The end of this couple's waltz will come soon.
どうかなまえさえも 忘れてくれますか?
Please, before that happens, forget me even to the extent of my name?
亡くして 戻して もとの場所に
Losing myself, then coming back to this place,
感情は逆流 出来ない
Feelings bursting out can't be taken back.
強く願うほど 離れていく
It gets stronger, and continues to separate.
And the youkai had realized this.
偶然な 運命も 機械仕掛
Sudden fate is only a deus ex machina
別れは突然 最後に
At the end, your goodbye was so sudden.
恋われた日よ さよなら
Ah, goodbye to my days of love.
My loved human...

The song of a broken youkai.
(Alt: The song of a youkai in love.)

白い壁の場所で 心だけが壊れて
Where the white walls are, only my heart breaks.
Inside the fog I search for
What was left alone in the night.

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