YouTube Metadata Archive

Video: WyED9zT4ZRs

October 2013 to March 2015

Title東方 Touhou Death Metal/Vocal arrange #148: Shit!
DescriptionArtist: i-chan
Title: Shit!
Album: The Griffin
Circle: AGENT 0
Vocals: 一貴
Lyrics: i-chan
Event: Reitaisai 8
Original: 渡る者の途絶えた橋/The Bridge People No Longer Cross
Stage 2 theme from Subterranean Animism

I hope you all don't mind me uploading genres like this, but I've been very much been getting into AGENT 0 and other extreme metal circles recently.

Also this song sums up my feelings on quite a lot of things in my life... the times I've fucked up, or things that I don't have...