YouTube Metadata Archive

Video: _UgWlSTJSiM

October 2013 to March 2015

Title[Amateras Records] Ash Like Snow
DescriptionSource: 東方永夜抄 ~ Imperishable Night
Original: エクステンドアッシュ ~ 蓬莱人 (Extend Ash ~ Hourai Victim)
Extra Stage theme

Circle: Amateras Records
Album: Unlogical Trick
Arrangement: Tomoya
Lyrics: Kaito
Vocals: めらみぽっぷ (Meramipop)
Catalog Number: AMRC-0009
Release: Comiket 82

All the songs on this album were uploaded on my other channel before it got disabled, guess I'll have to put them all up again sometime. Amateras Records albums usually take a while to appear on the net (if they do at all), so I ended up buying this one. I'll probably get their next album that comes from Comiket 83 as well.

Additional notes: Mokou is a badass. That is all.