YouTube Metadata Archive

Video: f8w47Na_JEA

October 2013 to March 2015

Title[東方 Vocal] Touhou ~ Midnight Queen
DescriptionTitle : Midnight Queen
Artist : Jeet Singh
Vocals: ユリカ
Circle : Crest
Album : 流月抄 ~ Moon over Mind
Original : (By ZUN) 亡き王女の為のセプテット
(Septette for the Dead Princess / Remilia Scarlet's Theme)

I know i don't upload vocal songs very often, but I had to for this one. All because this vocal version of Septette for the Dead Princess is by far the best one I've ever heard, and is my favorite. That's why this song was a must. Enjoy~

Big Thankyou to Kafka Fuura for the lyrics Translation~

朱く染まる日に 隔たれ届かぬ
儚い願いに 溜息こぼれ
西の空へ向け 手を翳せばまた
光がこの身を 蝕んでいくわ

Torn away by the bleeding scarlet sun
From my fleeting wish, I sigh and
Face the western sky, holding my hand to shade
My face again as light eats away at my body

光無き世界 夢をもたらさず
月だけ偽り 紅く輝いて

My lightless world offers no dreams
Even the moon is false, shining crimson

もしもあの月が 消えていくのならば 想いを馳せ
跡形もなく この身も消えて往けば 永遠を逃れ

If that moon were to disappear... My thoughts race
If I too could to die without a trace, I would escape eternity

黄昏の空 真紅に染めて
偽りの色 ただ虚しく
儚きものよ 流れる時よ
愛しきものへの 紅い涙流れて

Staining the twilight sky in deep crimson
A color false and empty
O transient beings, O flowing time
My crimson tears fall for those I love

寂しく光る 真紅な月よ
寄り添う星を 求めている?
もしこの願い 叶うのならば
愛しきものを 永遠へと導け

Deep crimson moon, shining all alone
Do you seek the stars beside you?
If one day my wish comes true
Lead my loved ones toward eternity

不意に日は沈み 夜が訪れる
叶わぬ 願いは 闇に消えて往く

Now suddenly the sun sinks and night arrives and
My unfulfilled wish disappears into darkness