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Video: ggtBLBYfz20

October 2013 to February 2014

Title[東方 /Instrumental/ Arrange] PHEVOTT - Legend of Hourai
Description[Title] - 蓬莱伝説
[Author/Circle] - PHEVOTT / Kimino-Museum
[Album] - palette ~人々が愛した幻想郷~ Disc1
[Event/Date] - Comiket 77 (Dec 30, 2009)
[Original] - Legend of Hourai
[Original CD] - Dolls in Pseudo Paradise

This theme puts me at such an ease it's almost unbelievable.

This one is inspired on the first track of Dolls in Pseudo Paradise. You'd think that all the antics behind a first track would be of hasty and impetuous behavior, so to speak. However, that is not the case as you can clearly tell. Incidentally, I think the setting behind Dolls in Pseudo Paradise is really far-fetched in comparison to the rest of his CDs, it looks like you're dropped in the plotline out of the blue. Whether this is meaningful to portray the lost feeling a human is left with if he'd land on Gensokyo is unknown to me, or to convey the uneasy feeling that ZUN uses to describe his CD, only the man would know. Do not think about it too much, or you might as well just go "hang yourself" (quote on quote from his afterword).
After all, this is all about retro-love, as he said.

It seems to me he was, other than portraying Gensokyo as 'the other land', the 'wonderland', he was trying to build the in an inside outwards fashion, from a Gensokyo's resident perspective, so the fascination element is not so blunt, and truthfully, it is an interesting intake on Gensokyo's land quirks as if it were mere casuality, the routine.

And to such an extent he made a pretty lovely job, and so did PHEVOTT as he arranged this gorgeous track. This is the kind of theme you don't need to scribble about and toy around too much with it, the melody is pretty likeable to start with, or so, that's what I feel.

In addition, I can imagine a Gensokyo where youkai and humans get along pretty well as if it was no thing, the dreadful quarrels from the past have blurred out of history, and Gensokyo is painted the sound of freedom and peace.


The Suzuran Parlour: