YouTube Metadata Archive

Video: mJ02cDQTuuQ

December 2013 to March 2015

Title【C81】【Amateras Records】Helius Aggregation-KINDNESSの分解
DescriptionTitle: KINDNESSの分解
Arrangement: M.I.O
Lyrics: M.I.O
Vocals: めらみぽっぷ
Circle: Amateras Records
Album: Helius Aggregation
Original: 素敵な墓場で暮しましょ(Let's Live in a Lovely Cemetery)
Event: Comiket 81
I'd like an off vocal of this one. Not that I don't like the vocals, just that I like the instrumental more.
*I don't own any content in this video, I'm only sharing*