YouTube Metadata Archive

Video: oUO_4IOy6Eg

November 2013 to March 2015

Title【東方アレンジ】Let me feel【魔術師メリー】
Descriptionタイトル/Title; Let me feel
サークル/Circle; 世界秘封病学会様 / World Society For Ghostly Field Disease
アレンジ/Arrangement; T.B.S.A.
CD; 秘封サナトリウム ~ Ghostly Field Sanatorium / Sealing Sanatorium ~ Ghostly Field Sanatorium (境界から視えた外界 / Kyoukaikara mieta Keshiki, 2010)

魔術師メリー / 蓮台野夜行 ~ Ghostly Field Club (2003)
Mary The Magician / Rendaino Yakou ~ Ghostly Field Club (2003)

Delicious jazz. A bit unexpected for a "Mary the Magician" arrangement, but it really works. Maybe it's my favorite track from this album, music-wise. There were a total of five(!) "Mary The Magician" arranges on this album. It's one of my favorite originals, and you rarely see arrangements of it, so I was quite thrilled about it.