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Video: pneP3jkbwz4

October 2013 to March 2015

TitleTouhou 08 Imperishable Night - Extra Clear (Part 3)
DescriptionExtra Part 2 :

Continuing from part 2..

6. Hollow Giant ''Woo'' - Stupidly bump into Mokou. Nevertheless, manage to clear this card. Basicly you can just let Mokou direct her shot upwards, leaving you to dodge very lil danmaku.

7. Phoenix Tail - Just requires you to inch abit to avoid the attack. There's a small gap between the shots which allows you to dodge them easily, as shown in the vid.

8. Fujiwara Volcano - One of the most intense spellcard ever. Constant dodging is required for this.Took about 20 runs in spellcard practice to get the hang of it.

9. Possessed by Phoenix - This mainly depends on your dodging skills. There's no way out to this mess, especially the arrow-headed danmaku which is very hectic and frustrating to dodge.

10. Hourai Doll - Used up my remaining bomb but finally cleared it. Massive dodging, which also include having to memorize some of the attack directions.

Wasn't planning on a decent run however. I was more focus in defeating Mokou. Couple of pointless death here and there.

Anyway, was quite pleased that I've finally achieved my first Extra Clear for Touhou.

Once again, a slight NOTE. I apologise for the lagness in the vid, which was caused by Fraps.

Next up, Suwako