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Video: r_NkRZ7FcX8

October 2013 to March 2015

Title【東方風神録】 N-tone -⎾Poping Water⏌ 【鯛の小骨】
Description[Title] - Poping Water
[Artist] - 鯛の小骨 (Tai no Kobone) [Azure&Sands]
[Circle] - N-tone
[Album] - side material 「FLOW」
[Catalog] - NTCD-0005
[Track] - 8
[Release] - Comiket 77
[Original] - 神々が恋した幻想郷 (The Gensokyo The Gods Loved)
Stage 3 theme from 東方風神録 ~ Mountain of Faith (TH10)
[Website] - Azure&Sands':

Finally decide to say "screw it" to have it "write" till the writing noise stops. I had this for a while, but I didn't know what to write even though I told myself to just put anything, yet I still though about it. Anyways, what it says is rather pointless. It's kind of sloppy since it's rather tedious to make it "write" and I'm a rather lazy fellow.
I should also note that I have no clue how you write in Japanese so spare me that lecture please. Why write it in Japanese in the first place? Well, I was hoping to get any synching at all with the noise and I thought Japanese would be the easiest to get something. Can't say I did good on that part but hey, I tried. ^^;
Oh and sorry about not having anything at all at the end. I had made it so that it'd write something but it kept giving me an error when I'm rendering (when it reaches 48%) because of it. I tried at least 4 times... I say it's more annoying than the fail to upload error (even though I never got it yet xD).

Anyways, enough of that ranting.
The arrange makes you sort of sleepy (in the good sense). I might describe it as breathtaking? You know, the feeling when you see an amazing view or something like that. I wouldn't say that this arrange is complex or amazing and such. Rather, it has some simple feel to it (or is it just me?). It's probably easier to get what I'm trying to say if you just listen to it.
I'd say that this is on my favorite tracks in the album. Whether this is the best track or not, I'm not sure. I simply chose the track that sounded like I could have some fun with the imagery.

Overall, the album is rather relaxing (depends on what you find relaxing, I suppose). Well, if you're into stuff sort of like this, I recommend you take a listen. They style of the tracks aren't like this since it's composed of various artists, but I suppose they're close enough.

Well, relax and hope you enjoy~

In unrelated news, Reitaisai is coming within a week. Thank god that it's that far away since I need to catch up a lot with C77 stuff (about 90 albums). I won't be drowning you in C77 stuff but I'll try to drown you in Reitaisai stuff.