YouTube Metadata Archive

Video: tzIPXjh04eI

October 2013 to March 2015

Title【東方】The Purest Sky and Sea 【Touhou】 【MIDI】
DescriptionMIDI Arrangement of 最も澄みわたる空と海, the last track in ZUN's album Retrospective 53 Minutes.

Circle : よいむつMUSIC
Artist : こさと
Title : 最も澄みわたる空と海
HP :

Original :

Concealed the Conclusion version :

MP3 & MIDI :

This is probably one of the most sad and depressing song that ZUN has ever composed. This particular theme was also used as the Staff Roll/Credit Theme in a Danmakufu game, Concealed the Conclusion by Danmaq.

As it is, it certainly fits the Staff roll/Credit theme pretty well and matches the mood in the particular game itself. Even if one were to strive through this particular game and endure the ever masses of danmaku, disregarding the path chosen, one would simply be depressed upon hearing this theme, for the Gensokyo they once knew is forever gone..

...or was it? *Next Dream*