YouTube Metadata Archive

Video: vZcBsyPEsQQ

November 2013 to March 2015

Title【Melancholy Session 135】M.U.C.K.Y.O.U.
Descriptionヴワル魔法図書館 (Voile, the Magic Library)

Artist: ARATO
Album: Syncopation Shot #01
Album artist: rythmique
Original title: ヴワル魔法図書館 (Voile, the Magic Library)
Original source: 東方紅魔郷 ~ the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil
Original artist: ZUN

Uploader's notice:
Alright, guys, I've seen some of you using the comment section to chat with each other, so I suggest that you drop it before I start deleting your posts. Also, this channel is safework only, so please think of the children, kittens and fairies.