YouTube Metadata Archive

Video: CgISDGMNrac

October 2013 to March 2015

TitleTouhou 8 IN - 1cc Stage 2 (Hard)
DescriptionStage 3 :

Team : Illusionary Border Team (Reimu / Yukari)

Stage 2 :
BGM - Song of the Night Sparrow

Boss : Mystia Lorelei
BGM - Deaf to all but Song

Spellcards :

1. Vocal Sign - Howl of the Horned Owl - Oh gosh, curving danmaku makes me nervous. Good thing it creeps, making it easier to dodge.

2. Toxin Sign - Poisonous Moth's Scales - Was careless here and had to use a bomb. My reflex isn't fast enough to dodge them. They are also moving in a curve motion which makes it even worse for me.

3. Hawk Sign - Ill - Starred Dive - relatively easy to dodge. Just need to focus yourself and move around the red danmaku's and you're safe. I don't think I've ever fumbled this spellcard before.

4. Night-Blindness - Song of the Night Sparrow - an almost replica of the previous spellcard. Nothing much to say here as It's pretty much alike.