ScarletDevil.orgYouTube Metadata ArchiveVideo:
Title | 東方 Eastern Mystical Love Consultation [Acoustic / Piano] arrange 1 |
Channel | infernape1 |
Published | 2012-08-04T04:50:17.000Z |
Description | -------------- Arrange ------------------ Title: 東方妖恋談 Circle: forest306 Artists: bambi, 2Dankai Usetsu no Hito Album: 東方阿漕宴 Event: Kouroumu 5 Original: 東方妖恋談 『Eastern Mystical Love Consultation』 ------------ Image --------------------- Artist: aoHA Pixiv: Source: |
Title | 東方 Eastern Mystical Love Consultation [Acoustic / Piano] arrange 1 |
Channel | infernape1 |
Published | 2012-08-04T04:50:17.000Z |
Description | *Please read the description* Well, the decision has been made. It's time to move to a different account. It is kind of dumb, but the change makes me a bit sad since I have been using this account for over five years (three of them uploading stuff). However, I too realize that this decision is best for the survival of both me and the channel. Infernape1 will be going on hiatus and from now on I will be uploading new stuff exclusively here: (Sorry, I suck at naming stuff...). It has already some videos up but they are re-uploads from songs already here (If I left it empty it would look really sad). Take them as a welcome gift, I guess. Hopefully I will see you there guys. The Great Unmoving Library is now closed. -------------- Arrange ------------------ Title: 東方妖恋談 Circle: forest306 Artists: bambi, 2Dankai Usetsu no Hito Album: 東方阿漕宴 Event: Kouroumu 5 Original: 東方妖恋談 『Eastern Mystical Love Consultation』 ------------ Image --------------------- Artist: aoHA Pixiv: Source: |