ScarletDevil.orgYouTube Metadata ArchiveVideo:
Title | [東方 /PowerMetal/ Arrange] IRON ATTACK! - Razing Wind |
Channel | Naturalistick2 |
Published | 2010-10-21T22:56:35.000Z |
Description | [Title] - Razing Wind [Author/Circle] - IRON-CHINO / IRON ATTACK! [Album] - Pre-historic Eruption [Event/Date] - Touhou Kouroumu 6 (Oct 11, 2010) [Original] - Wind Circulation ~ Wind Tour ~ Photo Theme 1 [Game] - Touhou 09.5: Shoot the Bullet IRON ATTACK! is just some kind of pedestal on his own, it strikes me silly. This man is a freakin' cavalier, this man is, I daresay, this man is legion. IRON ATTACK! really knows how to put the caps in its name. It's consistently one of the circles that, with each iteration since Thunder Concert, has throughout their repertoire made it off with a consistent A+ in every single release. Sugary treats literally reads as IRON for me. This guy is amazing. Fun and fresh in the outhouse, quite the remarkable journey through the power metal genre. If something else is to be said of this otherwise stellar man and circle as one synergetic matrimony is that IRON truly is Gensokyo's Maiden in his own full-fledged right. Another situation when picking a track out of the flock is a bust. However, I must say this one is particularly... perfect when the second minute rolls in. See it for yourself. |