YouTube Metadata Archive

Video: H-BIo9cdQsk

November 2013 to March 2015

Title【東方】 system shutdown - Crossfade Demo
DescriptionA chiptune album featuring arrangements from Hisoutensoku, Undefined Fantastic Object, the Story of Eastern Wonderland, Phantasmagoria of Dim. Dream, Immaterial and Missing Power, Subterranean Animism, Lotus Land Story, Kioh Gyoku, Shuusou Gyoku and Final Fantasy 11.

1. Shadow in the Horizon ...... 君はあの影を見たか?
2. Archive Update ...... 春の湊に
3. Pretending ...... 博麗神社境内
4. Through Time and Space ...... Sailor of Time
5. Lethal Threat ...... Awakening
6. success!! ...... 砕月
7. Spectral Knight ...... オルレアンの聖騎士
8. Volcano.exe ...... 華のさかづき大江山
9. The Only True ...... ハーセルヴス
10. Star Bits ...... 星の器 ~ Casket of Star
11. system shutdown ...... 悠久の蒸気機関

Tentative Release Date! [February, 3rd 2012]

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