YouTube Metadata Archive

Video: HlzhFrCaRCM

October 2013 to March 2015

Title東方 [Vocal/Hardcore Techno] IOSYS - Border of Hardcore
DescriptionNumber: 0178
Title: 惑いて来たれ、遊惰な神隠し ~ Border of Hardcore
Vocals: 3L
Artist: uno
Circle: IOSYS
Album: Toho IO-BEST BEATS2
Original: Necrofantasia

why can't IOSYS always be that awesome....
Anyways, it's Hardcore Techno, mixed with female vocals and Necrofantasia.
Short long story, it's made of win and the urgent need to rave. 3L's vocals fit in pretty nice and uno made the brilliant Necrofantasia into an arrange, that can, at least in my eyes, keep up with Dutch or Italian Hardcore, which is considered to be the best out there.
Since I'm in school at the moment, I'll be leaving it at that.
Enjoy it,

PS: Just in case you're wondering: the title would be to long, so I cut the full title down to Border of Hardcore in the title.
PSS: just watched it and was astonished as why the pic just vanishes, don't know why though. Hope you can forgive me :-D