YouTube Metadata Archive

Video: IC03o4KTZnE

October 2013 to March 2015

Title東方 Touhou Brutal Death Metal/Vocal arrange #217: Immolation from the Chaos
DescriptionArtist: E-chang
Title: Immolation From The Chaos
Album: Heart Ablepsia
Circle: AGENT 0
Vocals: Akihiro
Lyrics: Akihiro
Event: Reitaisai 9
Original: 霊知の太陽信仰 ~ Nuclear Fusion/Solar Sect of Mystic Wisdom ~ Nuclear Fusion
Utsuho Reiuji's theme from Subterranean Animism

Akihiro knows how to keep it fuckin brutal!


Emitting molestation

Palace summons torture
Sovereign's relentlessness

Insertion of the Atomic
Undivided Alate

Hold chaotic disorders
Into the infernal Anucleus

Flesh for war
Haste to alter

Infarction cleans vision of demise
Indifferent deed of anguish

With desperation
to your coldhearted warmth

Immolation to be born from the Chaos

Suicidal Annihilation
Despairingly Deceasing