YouTube Metadata Archive

Video: JRxA_3ivCv4

October 2013 to March 2015

TitleTreasured 東方 Touhou Unplugged/Classic 141
DescriptionTitle: 追想の郷
Artist: Syrufit
Vocals: fi-fy
Circle: 君の美術館 (kimino-museum)
Album: palette ~人々が愛した幻想郷~
Original: 童祭 ~ Innocent Treasures (Kid's Festival ~ Innocent Treasures)

I was pondering on what to upload for the beginning of this new year, and I just happened to click on this track, after having downloaded it, yes it's from C77, a colab of kimino-museum and a bunch of other circles, from which k-Waves' Ogata, SYNC.ART'S and even the sisimai bros.
It's an overall pleasant album, nothing groundbreaking or heartshattering, but nonetheless there are some songs that are nice to listen. Disk one is recommended for any accordion fans.

This one in particular caught my attention, I've never actually heard of the arranger (Syrfuit, is a group of guys/gals) and the vocalist is from kimino-museum. Well I won't lie, it's not that this arrange really made me shout or anything, I just found it... pleasant to listen to, especially since, Innocent Treasures (ZUN's theme for those who do not know) is one of my favorite ZUN songs, so I thought, what better way to start the year than with an arrange of this theme? Since actually arranges of it are pretty hard to find.

The vocals aren't bad at all and the arranging style, very folkish, is nice, especially that little guitarring that appears every now and then, they pitch together to make a pleasant song to listen to, especially on a Friday night, for those who are tired from the parties or the epic music (*cough*Demetori*cough*).

What else? There are 2 new volumes of Merlin up for you guys, an image and a music pack, dig in! (The music pack goes from video 133 to 140)

Thanks for watching!

(There isn't a surprise ZUN this time, so don't wait. BUT, ZUN wishes you all a Happy New Year!)