YouTube Metadata Archive

Video: Jb5D2m_pFtU

October 2013 to March 2015

TitleTouhou 8 Imperishable Night - Extra Clear (Part 1)
DescriptionExtra Part 2 :

The battle with Mokou almost took 10 mins and fraps ain't helping much with the lagness....

Right....After several runs, I've finally manage to clear Extra.

Nothing much to say for this part of the vid tough...
Keine was abit intense, however her 2nd spellcard was easy enough. Can't say the same for the 1st and 3rd tough..

Anyway, I was surprised I was able to dodge the danmaku at the end part completely, which people normal bomb their way though.
I guess the trick is to dodge them at a corner, as shown in the vid.