YouTube Metadata Archive

Video: LanMG5xc-ls

October 2013 to March 2015

TitleUndefined Intruder 東方 Touhou Unplugged/Classic 95
DescriptionTitle: 幽霊客船の時空を越えた旅
Artist: Takumi Inohaya
Circle: Frontier Records
Album: TRINITY -Orchestra Side-
Original: 幽霊客船の時空を越えた旅 (Interdimensional Voyage of a Ghostly Passenger Ship)


Double update! Check out the other video too, it's a Strawberry Crisis!! arrange:

What's that in the sky!? Is it a Hell-crow? Is it a flying Boundary!? NO! IT'S A YOOFO!

"Fans had thought that Yumemi might appear in Undefined Fantastic Object. This is because Phantasmagoria of Dim.Dream had Yumemi explain that the ruins were a "probability space hypervessel", and in Undefined Fantastic Object, there is a rumor spreading throughout Gensokyo about a flying treasure ship.The CD Cover of the game's Silhouette also looks somewhat like her. She was not, however, the final boss, as fans had thought."

From Utsuho's description:

"In Undefined Fantastic Object, it is revealed that the geyser she created with her newfound powers wound up blowing Byakuren Hijiri's ship out from the underground and into the sky, thus starting the plot of that game."
-Both quotes are from TOHO wiki

It was even possible that all the stuff in SA was Yumemi's doing, unfortunately, Kanako kicked aside that possibility.
But heck, maybe there's a connection between Kanako and Yumemi?

Btw, this update was all according to plan... Yeah, it was! OK, it was a last minute improvisation but I had to do it when I heard Takumi's arrange of this theme, but I still strongly believe ZUN wanted to bring back some PC-98 characters in UFO, Byakuren/Shinki and the strikingly obvious resemblance between Ciyuri and Murasa.

Takumi did not fail us this time, as far as Orchestras go, as always he excels, like his last album, I think he improved quite a lot too. I LOVE THIS ALBUM! Might even be one of my top albums.
*TakumiInohayaFAN*... since quite some time.

Murasa's stage theme captured my heart since the first time I heard it, god, it's soooo addicting, and ZUN's piano work is like, omfg.
Definitely one of UFO's best tracks.

MANY thanks for watching! Don't forget to leave a comment!