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Video: LlvjbQUXlRI

March 2015

Title【Touhou MMD】Girlfriend (Genso) Commercials Part 2【now with BF】(English subs)
DescriptionReprinted/translated with the creator's permission.
Creator: doku
Original title:【アニメ化記念】ガールフレンド(幻想) CM集Part2【BF実装】
Original link:
Upload date: October 24, 2014. 17:19.
Creator comment: "あなたは幻想郷で暮らす風変わりな青年。あの日妖怪を追い払った“君”の弾幕が忘れられない。自分を助けてくれた運命の“君”にもう一度出会う為、幻想郷で起こる様々な試練に立ち向かう――60名以上の豪華声優が出演する弾幕恋愛カードゲーム。あなたは誰をセンバツにする? とまあそんな感じのアレです。アニメ化記念ということで。

Part1→sm21627569 前作→sm24254022 マイリスト→mylist/37622352"

== Music ==
00:49 - 01:03 "Love-Coloured Magic" from Touhou Hisoutensoku OST
01:07 - 01:18 "ホットミルクの一息" by Foxtail-Glass Studio, from the album Remember*C -winter-
01:20 - 01:57 "Eastern Youkai Beauty" from Imperishable Night OST
01:29 - 01:30 Voice from エルシャダイ アセンション オブ ザ メタトロン (El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron)

== Notes ==
Parody of the Ameba ガールフレンド(仮) commercials
Sources for voice in the bonus:
* アールグレイラジオ (Earl Grey Radio) by アールグレイ (Earl Grey)
* 不思議の幻想郷 (Fushigi no Gensokyo, Mystery Gensokyo) series by AQUA STYLE
* 紅魔城伝説 (Koumajou Densetsu) by Frontier Aja

== Fine prints ==
00:09 - 00:12
* Part of the content is imagined. * Connection fee is your imagination.
* No access from docomo, au, or Softbank.
* The game screenshots and smartphones are only imagined. Girl with huge boobies

00:24 - 00:27
* Part of the content is imagined. * Connection fee is your imagination.
* No access from docomo, au, or Softbank.
* The game screenshots and smartphones are only imagined. It's an e-image
* Don't worry. It's Master's medicine cocktail.

00:43 - 00:45
* Part of the content is imagined. * Connection fee is your imagination.
* No access from docomo, au, or Softbank.
* The game screenshots and smartphones are only imagined. Number One in the World [Note: sReimu]
* This sort of stuff definitely isn't for me.

01:00 - 01:02
* Part of the content is imagined. * Connection fee is your imagination.
* No access from docomo, au, or Softbank.
* The game screenshots and smartphones are only imagined. NO LOVE NO LIFE
* Stay my friend forever!

== Bottom text in the bonus ==
01:20 - 01:24
A bit of explanation of Girlfriend (beta)★
The girls are grouped into three "types": SWEET, the literary type (red); COOL, the science type (blue); and POP, the physical type (yellow)
01:24 - 01:27
In general, the SWEET girls tend to be mellow and nice, the COOL girls tend to be sharp and grown-up, and the POP girls tend to be spirited and energetic. (Though this is rough, so there are some girls where you question if they have the wrong type.")
01:27 - 01:31
A bit of explanation of Girlfriend (Genso)★
It's called a card battle game, but the girls don't battle. Instead, the player battles while being cheered on. You could say it's a cheer battle rather than a danmaku battle. "Ability to turn cheers into power."
01:31 - 01:34
The rarity is based on the result of the character popularity polls. (Some adjustments are made based on the CV. Morichika-san is an exception) Like in the original game, the order is N→HN→R→HR→SR→SSR→UR, and there is voice for R and above. Final development (3 ★s) raises the rarity one step.
01:34 - 01:38
Seiga-san actually has many connections with girls as well. Maybe she makes sense in view of Harada-san, too.
01:38 - 01:41
Touhou's resident library character, Patchouli-san. But since she's pretty strong-willed, she wouldn't fit Fumio's role. And she doesn't use honorifics. (But Kosuzu is too active)
01:41 - 01:48
Someone requested Chloé-san, but there's no character like her in Touhou.
"Chloé Lemaire desu yo♪"
01:45 - 01:48
So I forced the task on Kosuzu-chan since she's an up-and-coming girl and she's relatively similar in spirits and uses polite speech.
Kosuzu: "Sure, I can read foreign languages, but still."
01:48 - 01:52
If you got the Chunyan reference, you probably play the game. She hasn't appeared in any commercial.
Meiling: "The tea is for after you win aru~."

Translation/Subs: TouhouSubs