YouTube Metadata Archive

Video: MLGLQtxYuv4

October 2013 to March 2015

TitleTouhou 8 IN - 1cc Stage 3 (Hard)
DescriptionStage 4:

Team : Illusionary Border Team (Reimu / Yukari)

Stage 3 :
BGM - Nostalgic Blood of the Orient ~ Old World

Boss : Keine Kamishirasawa
BGM - Plain Asia

Spellcards :

1. Spiritual Birth - First Pyramid - Abit intense. Requires abit more concentration since the youkai shoots the danmaku's while moving in circular motion.

2. Origin sign - Ephemerality 137 - Made a lil mistake by going to close to the danmaku's. Startng from here on is where all the spellcards become intense.

3. Ambition Sign - Yoshimitsu Crisis - Rather easy to dodge. Just requires you to move around abit and avoid the big danmaku. One mistake and you're trap like Nazrin (rat).

4. Land Sign - Three Sacred Treasures - Mirror- - I wasn't prepared for this..Had to use a bomb here...dang it..

5. Pseudo-History - The Legend Of Gensokyo - I was dreaming..I didn't see the lasers coming towards me and messed up.