ScarletDevil.orgYouTube Metadata ArchiveVideo:
Title | 【Touhou MMD】Tale of the Bamboo Cutter ~Fujiwara no Mokou's Story~ (English subs) |
Channel | TouhouSubs |
Published | 2015-02-14T16:51:06.000Z |
Description | Reprinted/translated with the creator's permission. 創作者様の許可を得て転載・翻訳しております。 Creator: maQam (まかむ) Original title:【第9回MMD杯本選】竹取物語~藤原妹紅編~ Original link: Upload date: August 18, 2012. 02:29. Creator comment: "というわけでボーカロイド×東方第二弾です。(第一弾=sm16938429) この曲を聴いているときに思いついたお話を、ドラマ風に再現してみました。 まだまだモーションや演出で未熟な部分がありますが、 精一杯作りましたのでよろしくお願いします。 MMD杯公式サイト= 公式1=mylist/31082718 公式2=mylist/31082742 予選=sm18332103【Theme:無】【name:まかむ】 お借りしたものはEXにて記載させていただきます。 後日談を作っておりますのでしばしお待ちを! 使用楽曲:sm8042331様(テンポ99%) 【補足】妹紅黒髪の描写がある儚月抄がもし「無」かったら こんな過去もありえたのでは?という妄想話なので、 原作とは設定が異なります。ご注意ください。" == Translated creator's comment == This video shows what may have happened in Mokou's past if Bougetsushou's portrayl of her with black hair didn't exist. The setting therefore differs from that of the original works. Please beware. == Music == 00:14 - 03:50 "夢みることり" ("Yume Miru Kotori") sung by 7 Vocaloids "【VOCALOID7人で】夢みることりを合わせてみた【再修正版】" by sakura, originally composed by はややP (HayayaP) == Notes == This is the second in a series of three beautiful videos by maQam that assume knowledge of the Tale of the Bamboo Cutter. Before you watch these videos, please take 20 minutes to read the information below. You should do this anyway since it will help you understand Kaguya's and Mokou's backstory! (2 min) The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter, also known as Princess Kaguya or Princess Moonlight, is a 10th-century Japanese folktale. * An old bamboo cutter discovers Kaguya as a tiny baby in a glowing bamboo. * He raises Kaguya with his wife, and in three months, she grows to be a young woman of shining beauty. * Kaguya attracts many suitors, but she refuses to see any of them. * Kaguya gives five particularly zealous aristocratic suitors impossible tasks to discourage them, and all fail. -The first suitor is told to bring her the Buddha's stone bowl from India. Since traveling abroad was very dangerous, he fakes his voyage and brings a stone bowl from Kyoto. When Kaguya points out that the stone bowl can't be the Buddha's, he throws away his pride and tries to woo her with poems. -The second suitor, Prince Kuramochi (based on Fujiwara no Fuhito), is told to bring her the Jeweled Branch of Hourai, a branch of a jeweled tree on the legendary island of Hourai. He fakes his voyage and hires jewelers to make the branch. This is found out when the jewelers ask Kaguya directly for the payment. -The fifth suitor (based on the head of the Mononobe clan at the time) is told to bring a cowrie shell laid by a swallow. He tries to complete his impossible task honestly and dies in the process. * Even the Emperor of Japan requests her hand in marriage but is refused. * On a night of full moon, a chariot comes from the Moon to take Kaguya back. * Kaguya leaves a vial of elixir of immortality with the Emperor, who orders it to be burned atop Mount Fuji. The Touhou Kaguya is based on this Kaguya. Mokou is thought to be the daughter of Fujiwara no Fuhito. (In the world of Touhou, Mokou became immortal by getting this elixir while it was being carried up the mountain; see Mokou's story in the Bougetsushou novel, Cage in Lunatic.) (15 min) Read the following treatment of the tale: (Or listen to an audio recording: ) Mokou's father appears as the Second Knight. Translation/Sub: TouhouSubs |