YouTube Metadata Archive

Video: PtW7Keh6eZU

October 2013 to March 2015

Title[東方 Orchestral] A Tiny, Tiny, Clever Commander: "君も探し物かい" - O-Life Japan
DescriptionTitle: 君も探し物かい
Circle: O-Life Japan
Album: 円盤満作祭

Arrange of:
"A Tiny, Tiny, Clever Commander"
[Touhou 12: Undefined Fantastic Object, Stage 1 Boss Theme; Nazrin]


Definitley my favorite arrange of Clever Commander, and the song that I feel fits Nazrin the best out of any arrange I've ever heard. From the French instrumentals, to the smooth transition to a trance in the middle of the song, I feel this is one of the best arranges that O-Life has ever done. They continue to utilize a variety of different musical styles in each of their albums, and although this isn't their most current release, I found it to be significant enough to upload. Enjoy~

Disclaimer: I did not make or perform this song/image myself in any form, and am simply uploading it to share with others. Support the artist/circle in any way you can!