ScarletDevil.orgYouTube Metadata ArchiveVideo:
Title | 東方 Touhou Techno/Trance 4 |
Channel | JeanejeanTou |
Published | 2010-12-23T16:31:36.000Z |
Description | Song Title: Ghostly Eyes Circle: Alstroemeria Records Artist: Masayoshi Minoshima Album: NITE VERSIONS Original: 幻視の夜 ~ Ghostly Eyes Things finally got better. I beat online scrubs in Black Ops (taking my anger last video ago).So, now for this song I think is quite different to since its also rare to hear Ghostly Eyes. I feel like I should drive at night with this song at hand. Thank for watching. Also please spread the word about the reupload of the Lyrica Playlist I'll be thankful.:) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Myonbel's original comment: Ghostly Eyes.. Techno/Trance arrange.. an unique arrange.. What else would you want? This piece of arrange truly is something very different and unique, its alot different than the other techno/trance arranges I have heard, and no, that is not a bad thing. That is a very VERY good thing. This arrange must have a spot in the Lyrica playlist, for sure. Ghostly Eyes.. well, I have to say, it has grown on me. It has some pretty amazing remixes. Mooned Insect isn't all that bad itself, and Wriggle.. well, she is aiming to my favourite touhou characters list. No doubt about that. Masayoshi Minoshima.. the thing about him is that his songs are either hits or misses.. and most of them are pretty bleh aka. misses. But this song, this is a hit. A NUMBER ONE HIT! Masayoshi Minoshima is a great arranger, even if all of his songs aren't that amazing. But when he makes good arranges, they are god dam godly, I can assure you that. This just might be one of my favourite uploads yet.. But we'll see what future brings us. This will atleast remain in my Top 10 favourite arranges that I have uploaded for quite awhile. |