YouTube Metadata Archive

Video: QabNVOG3Qvk

November 2013 to March 2015

Title魔界地方遊戯ソリテェア - Sound.AVE
DescriptionTitle: 魔界地方遊戯ソリテェア
[track] 01
[circle] Sound.AVE
[album] Lotus
[arrangement] パポス
[original] 魔界地方都市エソテリア (Rural Makai City Esoteria)
[game] 東方星蓮船 ~ Undefined Fantastic Object
[released] 2009-12-30 Comiket 77

image source unknown
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The orchestral tracks in this album are amazing. When I first heard Rural Makai City Esoteria in UFO it was that one theme that got stuck in my head for weeks (maybe because I kept repeating that level *orz*). Then I heard this arrange in KakashiMr's Merlin playlist and I had an eargasm. It's just so beautiful...
And since this track didn't exist on its own, why not upload it?
Image is kinda unfitting for the track's epicness but this one looks like Nazrin's in Makai so it fits the stage at least.