YouTube Metadata Archive

Video: RwdgoOnhEh4

May 2014 to March 2015

TitleMoomar2 東方 Touhou Hardcore/Trance 270
DescriptionTitle: BLOODY HAVEN
Artist: nam5
Album: Negligent Maximum tune!!
Original: 懐かしき東方の血 ~ Old World ( Nostalgic Blood of the East ~ Old World )
Release Date: Sep 19, 2010 (Reitaisai SP)

Attention to all who knows Moomar2 he has deleted his channel! I didn't notice until I checked my playlist and well 134 deleted videos is in the playlist and a message from a few youtubers which may be 3 days ago... Honestly I saw it coming and did nothing to prepare for it so we lost another great uploader and the Poltergeist Mansion of youtube.

Honestly I can see in a few years most current uploaders will stop uploading videos do to reality with family, work, friends, and more. Even myself I'm questioning if I can upload anymore videos for this channel. But at least keep the channel for the future generation to come visit the past. Which currently is no one because the beginning Higurashi678 had fallen because of copyright claims... But ChaosAngel209 is currently the last of the saved videos unless someone knows another channel.

Coming from the start of the adventure to upload the Lyrica and leaving Moomar2 to finish it I'm mad it deleted the channel! Will I upload the Lyrica list? Maybe we will wait and see. Until then Farewell Moomar2...

For this video I tried my best to copy the video effects which was color balance Blue in Vegas. Finally one of my favorites is on my channel. Orignial # was 157.

Download Links to the Mansion of ChaosAngel092, KashashiMr, and Myonbel/Moomar2 uploads:

Picture Link:

That is all for today. Thanks for listening.