YouTube Metadata Archive

Video: S1o_LM8Zha8

October 2013 to March 2015

Title東方[Touhou] Foreground Eclipse- I'm the Seeker (Maybe Each Your Word Calls For It)
ChannelLuminous Effulgence
DescriptionIt's almost exam time!! Last video until December 18! This will be my pump up song for the next 2 weeks! THUMBS UP, COMMENT AND SUBSCRIBE!! HAH! WATATATATATATTATAATTA~!~!

Original: Dark Side of Fate /The Road of the Apotropaic God ~ Dark Road ( Hina Kagiyama's Theme )

Title: I'm The Seeker (Maybe Each Your Word Calls For It)
Album:Wishes Hidden In The Foreground Noises
Circle: Foreground Eclipse
Game: Mountain of Faith (Touhou 10)